A bit too late to post it here, but check out my book @ HERE
Hope you like the book :)
Welcome to the world where insanity meets sanity, where the obvious meets the improbable, where conformance meets maverick ism, where simplicity meets weirdness. Welcome to the world of 32
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Sunday, 21 February 2010
32 के सदस्य
32 ग्रुप के कार्यकरता
बन रहे है विक्रेता
उपभोक्ता को बेच रहे है
वेरियस ब्रान्डस् ग्रुप 32 का
राजु गीज़र का कोइ मेझर नही
पानी ठन्डा कभी रहता नही
बिना बिजली भी पानी गरम करे
नहाने का अदभूत आनंद दे
गरम पानी का फ़्लो कभी होता ना बन्द
राजु गीज़र आम जनता कि पसन्द
योगी फ़ैन्स के हुए सब लोग फ़ैन
गरमी की एनट्री को करता बन्द
पूरे कमरे मेन हवा फ़ैलाये
पक्या के सोस्कस के खुशबू को जल्दि भगाये
गरमी से राहत की चाह जिसको है भाइ
योगी फ़ैन्स वो लोग जरूर अपनाये
फ़्री किराना ओन हर किनारा
ससते प्रोदट्स ऐन्ड क्आलिटी सेरविसे लोगो को बुलाता दुबारा
लोगो मैन हर्ष और उल्लास
फ़्री किराना की है अलग बात
आम जनता अब यही केह रहा
छोड़ रिलायन्स, बिग बज़ार और मोर... वो देख फ़्री किराना है आ रहा
पक्या आईरन ने क्रमपल्द कपडो को दी नयी जान
कपडो की सेहत मैनटैन करे लोगो की बढाये शान
शर्ट पेन्ट या हो कोई युनिफ़ोर्म।।या फिर हो साडी, सलवार या कीसी के शादी का जोडा
पक्या आईरन ने कोम्पीटिशन को है पछाड़ा
हर ग्रहिनी के चेहरे पे लाये जो मुस्कान
पक्या आईरन है वरकिन्ग क्लास की पेहचान
ऐस ऐस ऐस ट्युब ने अन्धकार को भगाया
लोगो के घर और किस्मत को जगमगाया
गावो गावो मैन पहुचायी रोशनी
लोगो को जीने की एक नयी आस दी
बच्चे बुढे और जवान
लेते अब ऐस ऐस ऐस ट्युब का ही नाम
सरजी कूलर के क्या केहने
ठन्ड दे सबको इन गरमी के महिने
टेनशन गरमी परेशानी हटाये
बिजली के बिल को भी घटाये
घर घर लोगो को राहत दिलाये
सरजी कूलर के कोम्पीटिटरस् घबराये
ऐन आर ऐस टिवी का कोइ मैच नही
पिक्चर ऐन्ड साऊन्ड क्वालिटी मैन कोई कैच नही
हर घर मैन ऐन आर ऐस टिवी ने अपनी जगह बनायी
कोम्पीटिटरस् को लोहे के चने चबवायी
दर्शको के बीच बना नम्बर वन
ऐन आर ऐस टिवी ने जीता हर जन्ग
टाइगर मछर अगरबत्ति ने घरो मैन खुशबू फेलाया
डेन्गु और मलेरिआ को भी इन होने भगाया
दिन मैन घरो को मेहकाया
रात मैन सुरक्षा चक्र बनाया
आम जनता की येही है मान्ग
टाइगर मछर अगरबत्ति युस करो जो सेहत का रखे खयाल
बन रहे है विक्रेता
उपभोक्ता को बेच रहे है
वेरियस ब्रान्डस् ग्रुप 32 का
राजु गीज़र का कोइ मेझर नही
पानी ठन्डा कभी रहता नही
बिना बिजली भी पानी गरम करे
नहाने का अदभूत आनंद दे
गरम पानी का फ़्लो कभी होता ना बन्द
राजु गीज़र आम जनता कि पसन्द
योगी फ़ैन्स के हुए सब लोग फ़ैन
गरमी की एनट्री को करता बन्द
पूरे कमरे मेन हवा फ़ैलाये
पक्या के सोस्कस के खुशबू को जल्दि भगाये
गरमी से राहत की चाह जिसको है भाइ
योगी फ़ैन्स वो लोग जरूर अपनाये
फ़्री किराना ओन हर किनारा
ससते प्रोदट्स ऐन्ड क्आलिटी सेरविसे लोगो को बुलाता दुबारा
लोगो मैन हर्ष और उल्लास
फ़्री किराना की है अलग बात
आम जनता अब यही केह रहा
छोड़ रिलायन्स, बिग बज़ार और मोर... वो देख फ़्री किराना है आ रहा
पक्या आईरन ने क्रमपल्द कपडो को दी नयी जान
कपडो की सेहत मैनटैन करे लोगो की बढाये शान
शर्ट पेन्ट या हो कोई युनिफ़ोर्म।।या फिर हो साडी, सलवार या कीसी के शादी का जोडा
पक्या आईरन ने कोम्पीटिशन को है पछाड़ा
हर ग्रहिनी के चेहरे पे लाये जो मुस्कान
पक्या आईरन है वरकिन्ग क्लास की पेहचान
ऐस ऐस ऐस ट्युब ने अन्धकार को भगाया
लोगो के घर और किस्मत को जगमगाया
गावो गावो मैन पहुचायी रोशनी
लोगो को जीने की एक नयी आस दी
बच्चे बुढे और जवान
लेते अब ऐस ऐस ऐस ट्युब का ही नाम
सरजी कूलर के क्या केहने
ठन्ड दे सबको इन गरमी के महिने
टेनशन गरमी परेशानी हटाये
बिजली के बिल को भी घटाये
घर घर लोगो को राहत दिलाये
सरजी कूलर के कोम्पीटिटरस् घबराये
ऐन आर ऐस टिवी का कोइ मैच नही
पिक्चर ऐन्ड साऊन्ड क्वालिटी मैन कोई कैच नही
हर घर मैन ऐन आर ऐस टिवी ने अपनी जगह बनायी
कोम्पीटिटरस् को लोहे के चने चबवायी
दर्शको के बीच बना नम्बर वन
ऐन आर ऐस टिवी ने जीता हर जन्ग
टाइगर मछर अगरबत्ति ने घरो मैन खुशबू फेलाया
डेन्गु और मलेरिआ को भी इन होने भगाया
दिन मैन घरो को मेहकाया
रात मैन सुरक्षा चक्र बनाया
आम जनता की येही है मान्ग
टाइगर मछर अगरबत्ति युस करो जो सेहत का रखे खयाल
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Life is a Transient
Long time since the last post. Before any of you get any delusion that the Constant has been reached (which cant be so. Not yet anyway), let me perturbate the old blog back into life.
With, unstrangely enough, the subject of life.
Life is a transient. So says many a bearded and slightly (!!) deranged man in orange robes. So also claimed the even more de-ranged Sage Quantum Mechanicus.
However, this global theory has to be fleshed out a bit with numbers, quadrants and graphs, says the spirit of excel, powerpoint and all irrelevantly relevant things such as these.
So behold - The wonder of Autoshapes - the Transient of Life
Exist there many interpretations in my mind of all this. (Most of them decidedly un-funny!)
But I leave you to make your own.
Like me, perhaps you can at last make use of some of those Control Systems, or Electronic Circuits courses taken in Engineering! Your options are:
1- Use super technical language of damping and max overshoot for some timely - but unfortunately - geeky jokes
2- Look pensively into the distance and draw (prophetic) analogies between transients of electrical systems and transients of life.
(As you can see, the prime motivation of this post was just to start off the morning with that autoshape line thingy that 'curves' away on its own. I had often wondered if it would be possible to draw oscillations within an envelope with that thing. I know my answer now. Deep, eh.)
With, unstrangely enough, the subject of life.
Life is a transient. So says many a bearded and slightly (!!) deranged man in orange robes. So also claimed the even more de-ranged Sage Quantum Mechanicus.
However, this global theory has to be fleshed out a bit with numbers, quadrants and graphs, says the spirit of excel, powerpoint and all irrelevantly relevant things such as these.
So behold - The wonder of Autoshapes - the Transient of Life
Exist there many interpretations in my mind of all this. (Most of them decidedly un-funny!)
But I leave you to make your own.
Like me, perhaps you can at last make use of some of those Control Systems, or Electronic Circuits courses taken in Engineering! Your options are:
1- Use super technical language of damping and max overshoot for some timely - but unfortunately - geeky jokes
2- Look pensively into the distance and draw (prophetic) analogies between transients of electrical systems and transients of life.

(As you can see, the prime motivation of this post was just to start off the morning with that autoshape line thingy that 'curves' away on its own. I had often wondered if it would be possible to draw oscillations within an envelope with that thing. I know my answer now. Deep, eh.)
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Funny Story of the Day
The taste of honey was just too tempting for a bear in Macedonia, which repeatedly raided a beekeeper's hives. Now it has a criminal record after a court found it guilty of theft and criminal damage. But there was an empty dock in the court in the city of Bitola and no handcuffed bear, which was convicted in its absence. The case was brought by the exasperated beekeeper after a year of trying vainly to protect his beehives. For a while, he kept the animal away by buying a generator, lighting up the area, and playing thumping Serbian turbo-folk music. But when the generator ran out of power and the music fell silent, the bear was back and the honey was gone once more. "It attacked the beehives again," said beekeeper Zoran Kiseloski. Because the animal had no owner and belonged to a protected species, the court ordered the state to pay for the damage to the hives - around $3,500 (£1,750; 2,238 euros)'- The BBC Website.
Saturday, 1 March 2008
Budget 2008-09
Sometime back, I came across an amazing article which talks about a pattern which Indian budgets invariably seem to follow. Whatever the coalition Khichidi (Single party at center is alreay an illusive dream) rules the center, first two years are spent on implementing CMP(Common Minimum Progran) and to a certain extent budgets are liberal. Next two years, budget focuses on mending the goofs of the previous two years and final usually reveals itself as election oriented, populist budget. For the current ruling UPA government, the pattern seem to follow just fine.
First things first, the leap year budget is a populist budget, as expected because election mode is soon going to be switched on by parties across India. But I still wonder what happened to Mr. Manmohan Singh, the man behind the revolutionary reforms of 1990 who dared to go against the conventional and presented the reformist budget in an inward looking India. Why is he hailing this budget as "excellent & Outstanding"? Does he think that India has had enough of reforms? Well to certain extent I can understand the pressure from nagging partners(Left Parties), who are still unsatisfied.
I have few observations and few comments to make on this budget. Thanks for extending the income tax threshold limit to 1.5L from 1.1L, middle class salaried families & bachelors like me are happy. But why promoting discrimination in a secular country like India? I am a proponent of gender equality be it salary, rights, freedom and everything. Why is income tax threshold limit different for fairer and unfairer sexes? It really hurts to see discrimination being promoted in the country.
60,000 crore debt waiver for farmers is a welcome step, but funding is something to watch out for. National Banks are going to writeoff this as bad debt and government is going to provide them with liquidity. Liquidity is probably one of the most abused words in economics, which I have so far failed to understand. Inflation, depression, recession, growth everything seems to converge towards liquidity. I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow government issues yet another off-budget special bond to cover the banks, like the way it has been shielding Oil companies so far. Another conflicting point here is what about those honest farmers who have paid their debts. Won't they feel cheated? This waiver is an incentive for debt evasion for them.
Indirect tax reduction across various sectors is an appreciated step. This will reinforce the much needed domestic comsumption in these times of gobal downturn. Also investment in infrastructure and education is a good step. Setting up three new IITs and IISc was a much needed step but without addressing the issue of trained faculty, this aint going to work.
For me this was yet another budget which didn't have much in store for me or probably I couldn't understand a large part of it. But by first look budget seems a balanced one and Mr. FM has done a good job.
First things first, the leap year budget is a populist budget, as expected because election mode is soon going to be switched on by parties across India. But I still wonder what happened to Mr. Manmohan Singh, the man behind the revolutionary reforms of 1990 who dared to go against the conventional and presented the reformist budget in an inward looking India. Why is he hailing this budget as "excellent & Outstanding"? Does he think that India has had enough of reforms? Well to certain extent I can understand the pressure from nagging partners(Left Parties), who are still unsatisfied.
I have few observations and few comments to make on this budget. Thanks for extending the income tax threshold limit to 1.5L from 1.1L, middle class salaried families & bachelors like me are happy. But why promoting discrimination in a secular country like India? I am a proponent of gender equality be it salary, rights, freedom and everything. Why is income tax threshold limit different for fairer and unfairer sexes? It really hurts to see discrimination being promoted in the country.
60,000 crore debt waiver for farmers is a welcome step, but funding is something to watch out for. National Banks are going to writeoff this as bad debt and government is going to provide them with liquidity. Liquidity is probably one of the most abused words in economics, which I have so far failed to understand. Inflation, depression, recession, growth everything seems to converge towards liquidity. I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow government issues yet another off-budget special bond to cover the banks, like the way it has been shielding Oil companies so far. Another conflicting point here is what about those honest farmers who have paid their debts. Won't they feel cheated? This waiver is an incentive for debt evasion for them.
Indirect tax reduction across various sectors is an appreciated step. This will reinforce the much needed domestic comsumption in these times of gobal downturn. Also investment in infrastructure and education is a good step. Setting up three new IITs and IISc was a much needed step but without addressing the issue of trained faculty, this aint going to work.
For me this was yet another budget which didn't have much in store for me or probably I couldn't understand a large part of it. But by first look budget seems a balanced one and Mr. FM has done a good job.
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Saturday, 17 November 2007
One of the smallest posts-
90s ka hero -Sachin Tendulkar (No pun intended!)
Hoping that he breaks the jinx soon!
90s ka hero -Sachin Tendulkar (No pun intended!)
Hoping that he breaks the jinx soon!
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Few more keys to happiness ...
In continuation with what Myshkin posted coupla months ago, few more keys to success
1. Bypass the Maslow's heirarchy of needs to reach highest level
The hierarchy of needs are physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, self actualization in order from lower to higher. Powered by this information why not reach the highest level ... i.e. self actualization!
Click here to view Maslow's hierarchy of needs
2. Work on proxies. There are some proxies whch lead to happiness. For e.g.
Good work --> Interest --> Love for work --> Job satisfaction --> Happiness
So just reach the last stage "Job Satisfaction", which can serve as a proxy for leading to happiness. So instead of going for good work, just condition the mind to give output of job satisfaction, and you'll be happy! Same may be applied to different fields probably
However all this irelevant gyaan type sounding crap is better said than done !

1. Bypass the Maslow's heirarchy of needs to reach highest level
The hierarchy of needs are physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, self actualization in order from lower to higher. Powered by this information why not reach the highest level ... i.e. self actualization!
Click here to view Maslow's hierarchy of needs
2. Work on proxies. There are some proxies whch lead to happiness. For e.g.
Good work --> Interest --> Love for work --> Job satisfaction --> Happiness
So just reach the last stage "Job Satisfaction", which can serve as a proxy for leading to happiness. So instead of going for good work, just condition the mind to give output of job satisfaction, and you'll be happy! Same may be applied to different fields probably
However all this irelevant gyaan type sounding crap is better said than done !

Friday, 2 November 2007
B-school blues...
Just a coupla thoughts on what us MBA folks generally say... and don't say :)
Say (rather non-chalantly): I average about 4-5 hours of sleep a day
Don't say: I sleep for 3 hrs in class
Say: I stay up till 5 in the morning doing assignments...
Don't say: I start working on my assignments around midnight
Say: We have to make regular presentations which require a lot of preparation...
Don't say: We believe in recycling... Who said we can't use stuff from one presentation in the other.. And of course, Google rocks!
Say: The days are always packed...
Don't say: They're also packed with AOE, GTA, Fifa, Quake III...
Say: The parties here ROCK!!
Don't say: If you don't drink, smoke or 'get high on dancing', you'd be bored to death.
More inputs & experiences invited PNR, Sirji, Yogi, ATM, anya junta...
Say (rather non-chalantly): I average about 4-5 hours of sleep a day
Don't say: I sleep for 3 hrs in class
Say: I stay up till 5 in the morning doing assignments...
Don't say: I start working on my assignments around midnight
Say: We have to make regular presentations which require a lot of preparation...
Don't say: We believe in recycling... Who said we can't use stuff from one presentation in the other.. And of course, Google rocks!
Say: The days are always packed...
Don't say: They're also packed with AOE, GTA, Fifa, Quake III...
Say: The parties here ROCK!!
Don't say: If you don't drink, smoke or 'get high on dancing', you'd be bored to death.
More inputs & experiences invited PNR, Sirji, Yogi, ATM, anya junta...
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