Have tried to represent on a graph, with two axes. This classification is quite intuitive and may at times seem devoid of logic. It is inspired by techniques of perceptual mapping in marketing research and somewhat from strategic mapping. But this is about my take on it, with minuscule impurity of the world view. Also, a classification doesn't automatically label a movie being good or bad.
No criticism will be tolerated ... opinions are welcome though !!!
(Click on the image to enlarge)
Excellento analysis.
Your faithful readers would welcome an illustrated example demonstrating the utility of this particular classification. Do specific demographics map to certain quadrants? What kind of thought process must go into the launch strategy?
Our basic motif is very honourable : Adding structure to hithertho unstructured topics. Why should philosophy, morality, religion, art or bollywood escape systematic analysis?
If they do wish to escape from this systematic enquiry (As poofs who want Art to remain undefined, and morality to be "somthing coming from the inside", certainly are implying) then they have to present a sytematic rational case why said analysis cannot, or should not, happen.
(Note: I have now taken to cut pasting my own comments. I am taking lack of originality to completely new heights (or depths. It depends where you stand)
Research is still in somewhat nascent stages ... some segmenting, targeting, positioning of movies come out of this chart (eg. loved by critics, loved by masses, loved by urban audience etc.) but it all appears too obvious. Maybe, some detailed research can e done to build up on this ...
Was just wondering if Yashraj films offers me some astronomical figure for further research ...
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