Look at the baby below ……….
Can you ever imagine in your wildest dream that behind this angelic face is hiding a James Frey (a notorious liar)?? Well I knew it….We generally presume that it’s the grown-up lot which is the master of all lies. Students lie about their school performance, Guys/Gals secretly have multiple affairs, parents lie to each-other on plethora of issues. But we typically ignore this lot called “sweet little infants” who actually learn to deceive before they talk. In a more refined language "they are engaging in subtle manipulations of their own and others’ actions, which succeed in deceiving others at least temporarily."
What!!!!!!! You don’t quiet believe me?? Now see this …
There was the 11-month-old who, caught in the act of reaching for the forbidden soil of a house plant, quickly turned his outstretched hand into a wave, his mother reported, "as though he was saying, 'Oh, I wasn’t really going to touch the soil, mom, I was waving at you.'"
And if you thought seeing a baby crying is too heart-breaking. A reality check is Fake crying is the trick babies learn to get attention. In one case the mother thought it sounded 'put on', but watched from a crack in the door, and noticed that there were pauses in the crying which seemed rather like waiting to see if it worked.
Also, babies these days are using a more refined trick like Jedi Mind trick, a steady eye contact as a distraction technique. Another 11-month-old, upon being presented with toast she didn't want to eat, would hold eye contact with her mother while discreetly chucking the toast onto the floor.
Now you know how treacherous/deceitful babies are. No wonder why a kid was convicted with mass murder a few weeks back (In Jharkhand if I m right). New laws should be framed to convict such babies.
I had read somewhere that learning to lie is a crucial step in the development of the brain. Essentially, it means you are now 'conscious' of the independent existence of 'other people' - apart from yourself. The more complicated the lie, the more 'intelligence is needed' to perform the extremely complicated arithmetic involved (Getting into the victim's shoes, 'imagining' what the lie would sound like for the victim, etc). And besides, why should we even be surprised? There is no natural law that 'intelligence' has to be positively correlated with 'moral strength'. If anything, most of the people we know who are 'morally right' are fanatical religious fundamentalists who believe in one unchangeable and absolute 'moral code' and go around killing people who don't think the same way.
That said, I really don't support the argument for tougher 'laws for babies'. That would not make sense because you are convicting a person who has yet to become all that he/she can become - his opinions are half-baked, he is ready to be moulded into whatever society makes of him. If anything, the thing to do would be to punish the fully developed individuals - grown ups - who wilfully 'teach' and 'preach' lies to the highly receptive minds of toddlers. I am including here even apparently 'mild' religious people who expose their child to only ONE absolute truth (One Religion, "This is right. Just because GOD says so. If you dont do what HE says, you will burn forever in hell, where, at the same time the gobblygook monster with detachable razors for teeth will eat parts of you as midday snacks"). I base this logic upon the strong correlation the 'religion' that children adopt, with that of their parents. Once the clay has been moulded into a pot, there is no going back, no changing its (often subconsciously!) held 'lies' and 'irrational beliefs ("People who don't praise the Lord are the incarnations of Satan") - there are very few options of 'improving' a readymade dry 'erring' pot - All u can do is 'try' to remould it - which if proven unsuccessful (Proofs should include statistics on the fraction of repeat offenders, taking into account environmental variables) . But to 'give up' on a perfectly 'mendable' pot, freshly moulded, is frankly,just a criminal waste of clay.
And to really continue with my ('absolulist'? 'fundamentalist'?? I hope I am open to being disproved! :P) very long rant, it also occured to just now 'if there is no provable (See my earlier blog in the GOD Delusion) fundamental 'divine' moral or religious code' to guide us, what should we go on? The answer is 'rationality'. Whatever benefits society (The good of the many over the good of the few) should be 'researched'. This research is a continous process - We are only recently discovering that killing people who claimed the Earth went around the Sun is not exactly the smartest thing to do. An absolutist society is a stanant society, where new ideas, potentially beneficial to mankind, are never even given a chance. I might continue somemore, if it werent for the snoring sound I hear....;)
And to really continue with my ('absolulist'? 'fundamentalist'?? I hope I am open to being disproved! :P) very long rant, it also occured to just now 'if there is no provable (See my earlier blog in the GOD Delusion) fundamental 'divine' moral or religious code' to guide us, what should we go on? The answer is 'rationality'. Whatever benefits society (The good of the many over the good of the few) should be 'researched'. This research is a continous process - We are only recently discovering that killing people who claimed the Earth went around the Sun is not exactly the smartest thing to do. An absolutist society is a stanant society, where new ideas, potentially beneficial to mankind, are never even given a chance - That esentially means NOT killing people for their beliefs, or even attempting in a forceful way to 'educate them' into submission (I am pointing at you, Benign Religion!).
Wherein lies 'long term' benfit is not a simple calculation, especially as the tools we use for calculation (morality, religion and blief) themselves are the subject of change.
(Wish I had studied CONTROL SYSTEMS in Engg....instead of getting a spectacular ZERO :D...)
I might continue somemore, if it werent for the snoring sound I hear from your seats....;)
...oh, in short I am a moderate - an extreme moderate!!! (:D...)
I would say tussi gr8 ho....
None of my blogs have ever got so many comments (Not even on moi diary)
Totally agree that once clay has been moulded there is no going back..
But u missed tone of sarcasm...
ooops did it even sound sarcastic??
WTF is Hit nevertheless.
I am speechless !
Gr8 insights ... No wonder it is by "Sirji"
Hehe, Vishal, I realize you were being sarcastic.
But fokats like me need something to do to postpone work!! :D
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